Multipurpose Platforms Vehicles. The Perfect Combinatior

Combine one or several trucks with multiple work equipment

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Multicambio Robles.
Multipurpose Platforms

  • Versatile
  • Quick
  • Effective
  • Secure

The possibility of changing the equipment on your tractor head in short periods of time is becoming easier.
Getting a mechanism that allows you to change from a concrete mixer to a chain container carrier in 5 minutes increases the possibility of taking on different orders. All of this translates into efficiency, increased work capacity and reduced costs.

What is a Multipurpose Platform Vehicle?

The Multipurpose Platform Vehicle is implemented through the interchangeable technology of a 5th wheel fixed to the chassis.
  • Allows a compact design, easy to use on 2,3 and even 4-axle chassis.
  • It has quick fastenings, both hydraulic and manual, to the frames and chassis.
  • The exchange of the work platform is carried out thanks to a clamping system, which manages to raise the equipment for disconnection with the tractor head.

All of these services can be implemented at Talleres Robles, through a team of engineers specialized in the sector who will be able to adapt the functions of the multi-gearbox to the needs of each client, making each order unique and personalized.

One Vehicle. Multiple Platforms

Various vehicles. Infinite solutions.

How does a Multipurpose Platform Vehicle?

We show you how to convert your change into a multi-platform vehicle and thus make the most of its productivity.

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